To be a steward of something means to conserve it; to give it attention and care, to cherish it, to be its guardian, to protect and sustain it and to keep it safe.

Stewardship does not happen by accident. It depends on the acknowledgment that a personal relationship with the UUFM is important to each of us and that we have a personal commitment to protect it and preserve the values that make it important.

This is the time of the year when we ask our members and friends to pledge their support toward the mission of this fellowship for the upcoming year. Support comes in many forms, whether a financial gift or the gift of time. The UUFM Board works wisely to ensure that this support continues to serve our members and the community. Pledging allows us to plan to fund our regular expenses. Our yearly Stewardship Drive is usually in March and April so we can prepare the annual budget for the members to review in May.

What is a Pledge?

A pledge is simply an estimate of what each person or family will give over the coming year. No matter what each can give, it is certain that all pledges, of whatever amount, are needed. 

The UUA created the Fair-Share Contribution Guide, a tool to help you determine your pledge amount. It suggests four levels of giving in relation to annual income. 

We ask that you seriously consider an annual pledge of 5% of your household income. We understand that we all have varied circumstances. If 5% is not possible, please contribute an amount that is significant for you, representing your commitment to UUFM, your personal growth, and your relationships within our community.

How is your pledge used?

The Fellowship has a variety of regular expenses, including:

  • Speakers fees
  • Pianist fees
  • Center for the Arts rental
  • Social justice activities (Earth Day, BoroPride, etc.)
  • Insurance policies
  • Website and podcast hosting
  • Hospitality expenses (fall retreat, Holiday party, May picnic, etc.)
  • Bookkeeping expenses
  • UUA membership fees
  • P.O. box
  • Zoom fees
  • and others


Thanks to the following UU congregations for inspiration: